Philip Pavliger is a Photographer based in San Francisco Bay Area and working everywhere.
Philip Pavliger endeavors to capture the apotheosis of performance. The moment when there is shared visceral experience between the performer and their audience. The genres Pavliger pursues are suffused with action and span a gamut from traditional to offbeat: music, dance, burlesque, roller derby, circus, vaudeville and immersive role playing events. It is within these self imposed limits that Pavliger finds his inspiration to capture what we in audience see and feel for a fleeting moment. To create intriguing photographs that are born from a unique combination of artistic intent, choreography, and verve.
Philip Pavliger is a photographer who is passionate about photographing the local performance community where he resides in Santa Rosa, CA. He is a regular contributor to North Bay Cabaret, Sonoma County Roller Derby, and Out There Santa Rosa. In the greater Bay Area Pavliger has worked with Ruckus and Rumpus Revival, The Bay Area Roller Derby, and the Great Dickens Christmas Fair. One can often find Pavliger patiently hovering around the stages of music events including the Annual Railroad Square Music Festival and Rivertown Revival.